Firefighter PPE Grants: 5 Important Yearly Grants to Fund Your Fire Gear

a pile of money that is colored red and yellow duotone with Benjamin Franklin pearing through the pile in full color

Canadian Firefighters putting hands into the center of a circle wearing PPE Fire protection gearThe importance of PPE replacement coupled with ample access to both standard turnout and alternative fire protective gear cannot be understated.

When you procure a wide variety of technologically advanced personal protective equipment for your firefighters—you protect the communities you serve and you save lives.

What if your funds are tight? If your current operating budget doesn’t support new or replacement PPE, you can look into financial options beyond your operating budget that can fund PPE replacement as well as new purchases of turnout gear, dual-certified, wildland gear and more.

A wide variety of grants are available from state governments, federal departments and the private sector that can help you pay for NFPA-compliant PPE. We’re listing the most important grants to help you start your search.

Firehouse Subs Public Safety Grant

Firehouse SUBS logo - Public Safety Foundation on badge with cross and 2 fire axes crossed in the middleApplication Dates: Quarterly

For firehouses within 60 miles of a Firehouse Subs location, the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation offers quarterly grants under $50,000 (a guideline of $15,000-$20,000 is suggested) for PPE, prevention tools and other educational material. For a list of materials covered and not covered by the grant, visit Frequently Asked Questions and Tips.

The foundation offers a 100% digital application process for firefighters. Law enforcement, EMS, public safety organizations and schools also qualify for these grants. The company also will consider places that are located outside a 60-mile radius of a Firehouse Subs location, though they are not its primary target.

Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFG)

FEMA Logo - US Department of Homeland Security circling an eagle with gray and red circles dividing the text from the eagleApplication Dates: Yearly

This grant program offers funding for firefighting programs to:

  • Purchase vehicles.
  • Fund training programs.
  • Equip fire stations.
  • Improve community resilience.
  • Foster interoperability.

You can find application information on the FEMA website.

Gladys Brooks Foundation Grants

Application Dates: Yearly

New York philanthropist Gladys Brooks Thayer founded the Gladys Brooks Foundation after the unexpected death of her son. The foundation considers grant proposal letters that outline projects:

  • That largely will be funded by the grant.
  • That have been denied outside funding.
  • That will use the funds for endowments, capital projects or capital equipment.

The foundation supports projects in the Midwest and the East Coast, including Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island (where Thayer spent most of her early life). You can request an application form here.

Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant

Application Dates: Vary by State

The volunteer fire assistance grant program offers funding for equipment, firefighter training, planning and preparedness activities for stations that respond to wildland fires where populations are under 10,000. All deadlines, requirements and funding amounts vary by state.

To find out how to apply, contact the Federal Excess Personal Property Program and Firefighter Property Program (FEPP/FPP) representative in your state.

Georgia-Pacific Firehouse Grant

Georgia-Pacific Logo - Text to the right of a blue triangle housing the letters GPApplication Dates: Varies

Georgia-Pacific is one of the largest tissue, pulp and packaging organizations in the world. Since 2006, the Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade has been offering grants to firehouses in over 30 states, specifically any location within 30 miles of a Georgia-Pacific facility. The program also provides educational materials and National Volunteer Fire Council memberships.

To apply, contact your nearest Georgia-Pacific location.

Learn More About Fire Protective Gear

Lakeland fire gear adheres to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and offers exceptional performance when it comes to maneuverability, comfort, and functionality.

Selecting the right protective fire gear for your application requires an understanding of what is available and how the gear is constructed.

Learn more now about Lakeland’s fire protective clothing or contact us today to find out what equipment is best for you.

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Jared Johnson carrying hose in firefighter challenge
“I chose Lakeland not only because their gear spec is one of the most custom, athletic fit, and mobile options on the market today, but because the standard they set internally to ensure firefighters have the best and safest gear options available is at their highest level of concern.”

Jared Johnson, 3rd Generation Firefighter
Team ATX | the Austin Fire Department

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